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A New Career Requires New Thinking: 3 Ways To Change It Up

Welcome back to the TPG blog, where we talk a lot about what it means to have “the best job for you” and how to start heading down that career path of ultimate fulfillment. In our last post, we talked about the infamous career change and whether or not it’s the right move for you at this point in your life. Today, we’re assuming you took the plunge into a new career – and we’re going to help you think about things in a way that makes all that newness a lot less scary.

1. So you have to start from scratch, huh?

Starting a new career often means going back to basics. Learning how to learn again. Stumbling, and even flailing, a few times. This takes a lot of patience and maturity. Taking a few steps back and “proving your value” all over again – especially when you’re coming from a job you’ve had for a while, where you found your comfort zone and maybe rose through the ranks – can be tough.

With every obstacle you come up against, and each time you have to think about things a different way, your brain gets a little better at newness. This is called “brain plasticity,” and it basically means that your brain is a learning machine. And this doesn’t just apply to children! Our adult brains are three-pound meat computers that love a good challenge and always seem to find a way. Feel like you’ll never understand a concept, or never be good at a certain task? Just stick with it, and you’ll find that your brain starts falling into the groove. The best part? You don’t even have to know how you’re going to be able to understand that concept or complete that task – your brain will take care of that for you. Take lots of deep breaths, get some exercise and make sure your diet is full of diverse, whole-food goodness because that computer in your head needs plenty of oxygenated blood, growth factors and nutritious fuel to create new synapses and carve out new pathways.

2. So you need some job training, huh?

If you’re entering a field you’re not super familiar with, or your new company has a completely different way of doing things than you’re used to, you’re probably going to have to complete some job training. And some people find that notion a little off-putting. (Note: This “job education” point is similar to what we talked about above with “brain plasticity,” but instead of your brain’s general ability to learn, we’re talking about completing certain classes or certifications that will support your job success.)

What you lack in experience must be made up for in education. And gaining new experience is a whole lot easier, and much more effective, when you set that educational foundation. Whether the job training is required or suggested doesn’t really make a difference. You should always embrace an opportunity to educate yourself and engage with your new company outside of workday tasks. Plus, if the classes aren’t mandatory, taking the time to involve yourself in this way will prove your value as a committed employee who cares – and not only that you care about doing your job “right,” but also that you’re truly invested in seeing your new company (your new team) succeed.

Note: A seriously dedicated staffing solutions firm (not just a run-of-the-mill staffing agency) will offer you tons of opportunities for job success – from interview preparation and pre-hire job tours to safety training, job orientation and skills training.

3. So you can’t seem to find that new career, huh?

Our first two points assumed that you already landed that awesome new career. But, as we all know, this is not an easy thing to do. Breaking into a new field can be really tough – certainly more difficult than switching jobs in the same field – and it often involves using nontraditional ways to find that perfect job.

Most hiring managers have a pretty clear idea of what kind of candidate they want for a role, and how that’s going to translate to a resume. But what if you don’t have that ideal Job Experience or the ultimate Job History? How do you go about breaking into that new field? This is where the nontraditional job search comes into play. Instead of relying on conventional techniques (like going into online applications “blind”), you have two very valuable resources at your fingertips – and you might not even know it:

  • Don’t forget about your personal network: Ask your friends, family members, mentors and former colleagues for game-changing introductions, recommendations and informational interviews.
  • Don’t forget about the dedicated staffing solutions agency: Not only do they have the job search expertise and special access to job listings you won’t find online, but they’ve also cultivated long-standing relationships with tons of employers across tons of job fields. So, essentially, working with staffing specialists means you get to tap into their network – and that’s a very valuable network indeed.

And… you’re off to the races! With that wonderfully plastic brain of yours (remember that being “plastic” is a good thing when it comes to your brain, and it means that you can learn just about anything at any age), some dedication to job education and a few staffing specialists and VIP members of your network on your side, you’re more than well-equipped to find, land and integrate that perfect new career with flying success.

If you’re in the market for valuable Staffing Solutions Specialists to help open the door to a new career, give TPG a shout. Our team can’t wait to help you find your next, best fit.

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